Masha is asking for $100,000 in damages, which seems awfully low to me. But as they say, you can't get blood out of a turnip, and maybe she's looking for a reasonable amount that could be collected. Masha was already awarded $200,000 in "mandatory restitution " from her pedophile purchaser Matthew Mancuso. According to the law, this paltry amount is supposed to cover "the full amount of the victim's losses" over a lifetime (yeah, right!) Masha received nothing from the confiscation by federal authorities of Mancuso's property, business, investments, and other assets estimated to be in the millions. I am not sure where Masha's "mandatory restitution" is, but for all intents and purposes she is a state-dependent pauper under the "guardianship" of her so-called adoptive mother, grifter and nut Faith Allen aka Lynn Ginn aka Kimberly Murphy. (see below).

Hunn has twice served on the Board of Governors of the Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association and is a past chair of the Young Lawyers Committee of PaTLA. He has worked with the Philadelphia Volunteers for the Indigent Program and the Philadelphia Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts organizing several fundraisers to support volunteer legal services. Mr. Hunn is a fellow of the Academy of Advocacy of the Temple University School of Law and he also provides free legal services to TLC, Inc. an organization dedicated to assisting the families of the 9/11 tragedy with benefits from various government programs and agencies.
Hunn appears in the 2008 Pennsylvania Lawyers
I have obtained a copy of the complaint. Rather than post it with this entry, I have placed it in a separate entry below (Allen v ....) to make for easier reading, and I urge you to go there. I am copying here, though, portions of the Facts in the Case 15-28 and 32-47 so those unaware of Masha's horrendous and sickening plight (or those whose memories need refreshed) can see the pure rotten ugliness of her case. The individual counts in the complete complaint go into more terse detail.

16. In September of 1997, Matthew Mancuso, a single 39 year old divorced male, residing in New Kensington, PA, submitted an adoption application to defendant FTIA with Jeannene Smith.
17. In application papers submitted by Matthew Mancuso to FTIA, Mancuso indicated that he preferred to adopt a five year old female from Russia.
18. On or about September of 1998, Mr. Mancuso submitted an application for a home family study to be performed by Adiago Health (formerly known as Family Adoption Counsel).
19. In Pennsylvania and New Jersey, a home study report, required under 23 PA. C.S. §2530 and N.J.S.A. §9:3-54.2 respectively, is an evaluation of the fitness of a potential adopting parent(s) to provide a loving, stable home environment for an adopted child.
20. 23 PA. C.S. §2530(a) provides in pertinent part: No intermediary shall place a child in the physical care or custody of a prospective adoptive parent or parents unless a home study containing a favorable recommendation for placement of a child with the perspective
parent or parents has been completed with three years prior thereto…
N.J.S.A. § 9:3-54-2 provides in pertinent part:
…[A] home study completed by an approved agency shall include a recommendation regarding the suitability of the home for the placement of the child…
21. A reasonable and objective review of the home study performed by Adiago reveals that not only had Mancuso not been in a stable and supportive relationship with another person, let alone a child, for years, the last personal relationship ended in divorce whereby he became estranged from his own biological daughter. Yet, this man was specifically seeking the adoption of a 5 year old girl under the auspices that he could provide a stable family relationship and family environment for her.
22. Despite the red flags in Mr. Mancuso’s home study, FTIA and/or ROTIA failed to perform any investigation into Mr. Mancuso or the veracity of the information he supplied. At no time did FTIA investigate Mancuso’s fitness to adopt a child or question the reasonableness of the information contained in the home study report.
23. On or about January 26, 2998, Mancuso sent FTIA a written letter as to why he wanted to adopt as well as reference letters including one that he forged from his own daughter Rachel Mancuso Byers. In Mr. Mancuso’s letter, he writes,
“it became clear to me that I really need the day to day routine and family to make my life complete. I then began investigating the possibility of adopting.”
24. At no time did FTIA, Jeannene Smith, or subsequently ROTIA question Mancuso as to why he sought to create a family through the adoption of a 5 year old girl. and not by the customary means of dating, marriage and procreation. At no time did FTIA, Jeannene Smith, or subsequently ROTIA question the reasonableness of why a single man who had been divorced over 11 years with no evidence that he had engaged in a stable relationship with another person during that 11 year period, needed to create a family with a 5 year old girl.
25. Despite the red flags, FTIA, Jeannene Smith, and subsequently ROTIA failed to investigate or otherwise determine the veracity of Mr. Mancuso’s statement.
26. At no time did FTIA, ROTIA or Smith contact the Mancuso’s birth daughter to determine the veracity of the forged reference letter.
27. Although FTIA was not the agency that ultimately placed the minor plaintiff with Mancuso, FTIA facilitated the adoption process and at no time acted on the red flags evident in Mancuso’s efforts to adopt a young girl.
28. In or about February of 1998, defendant Jeannene Smith ceased her employment relationship with FTIA and formed an entity known as Reaching out Through International Adoption (“ ROTIA”).
and 32-47:
32. Pennsylvania Code 55 Pa. Code §3350.13 requires a minimum of 3 post adoption placement supervisory visits with the child and the adoptive parent(s) within a six month period.
(NOTE: 33 is missing)
34. Russian law required Mancuso to undergo four post placement visits performed at six, twelve, twenty-four and thirty-six months. Reports generated by those visits were to be forwarded to the Russian Government.
35. ROTIA and Jeannene Smith never informed the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that a child had been placed in the home of Mancuso.
36. Upon information and belief, ROTIA and Jeannene Smith never informed Adiago Health that a child had been placed with Mancuso nor sought Adiago’s assistance in performing post placement evaluations of Mancuso.
37. ROTIA and Jeannene Smith knew that Mancuso was not obtaining appropriate post placement evaluations but failed to investigate and take appropriate action to have a proper post placement evaluation performed.
38. On or about March 23, 1999, ROTIA and Jeannene Smith received a post placement evaluation of Mancuso and the minor plaintiff from an entity called Social Services of Western Pennsylvania. Neither ROTIA nor Jeannene Smith knew of an entity called Social Services of Western Pennsylvania and in fact no such entity existed and the evaluation was fake.
39. ROTIA and Jeannene Smith failed to take appropriate and reasonable action to determine whether Social Services of Western Pennsylvania was a viable agency.
40. In November of 2000, ROTIA and Jeannene Smith performed a postplacement evaluation by telephone with Mr. Mancuso despite the fact that post placement evaluations are required to be performed in person.
41. Had ROTIA performed an in person post placement evaluation of Mr. Mancuso, they would have determined that Mancuso did not provide the minor plaintiff with her own bedroom and required the minor plaintiff to sleep with him.

42. Had FTIA acted on the red flags evident in Mancuso’s adoption application and home study, the minor plaintiff’s adoption by Mancuso would not have occurred.
43. Had ROTIA and Smith acted on the red flags evident in Mancuso’s adoption application and home study and had properly performed post placement evaluations, the minor plaintiff’s adoption by Mancuso would not have occurred and/or would have been terminated.
44. Over a period of approximately five years, Mr. Mancuso molested the minor plaintiff and sexual abused her on a nightly basis. At times, Mr. Mancuso chained the minor plaintiff in the basement.
45. To prevent the minor plaintiff from maturing, Mancuso starved her and only provided her small rations of food.
46. Over a period of approximately five years, Mancuso took hundreds sexually explicit photographs of the minor plaintiff and posted them on the internet. Mancuso subjected the minor plaintiff to extreme exploitation, sadomasochism, starvation and forced exhibitionism.
47. On May 23, 2003, Matthew Mancuso was arrested and charged with various counts of child abuse. The minor plaintiff was removed from his home and his custody.
The suit does not cover subsequent events which have continued Masha's gross exploitation, including alleged sexual and physical abuse, and withdrawal of therapy all by new Forever Mom Faith Allen. You can read about this on James Marsh's ChildLaw Blog (Marsh is Masha's former attorney), Christopher Witkowsky and Julian Assange's From Disney World Girl to Drifter and Charles Brown Transcript (both on Wikileaks), Family Preservation Advocate (Mirah Riben), Baby Love Child and here on Nikto Ne Zabut--Nichto Ne Zabyto.
In fact, while Hunn and the Allens were filing suit, BLC was busy writing a new blog about Masha: Masha II (no connection to the suit) in which she reviews Masha adoption and post-adoption abuse at the hands of the adoption industry, corrupt courts, religious nuts, crackpot therapists, and Forever Mother Allen.
Here is an excerpt:
The more I learn about her circumstances and the individuals and infrastructure (State or otherwise) surrounding her, particularly in relation to this domestic adoption travesty, is the more sickened I become. She has been used by so many people, in so many ways...
...off she went into a domestic, “faith-based” adoption nightmare scenario, by way of a nutso judge who had delusions of herself enacting the role of a sort of instrument in the hand of god. The adoption, naturally then was chalked up to “divine orchestration“, (never mind pesky details such as the conflict of interest ongoing pre-existing friendship betwixt the judge and the would be adopter.)
As for the (domestic) “faith-based” adoption, Judge Allen (a former Democrat turned Republican, over “a difference in principles,”) has certainly gained in notoriety by her association with Masha’s adoption. Her work on the bench is apparently an extension of her ‘kingdom’ work. Reading over this Google cached copy of her bio from her campaign gives one a pretty good feel for her. Be sure to explore some of the associations, such as her sitting of organizational boards of “faith based” junk psuedo-therapies such as Theotherapy Seminars, Inc (the founder of which thinks ” good theology is good psychology.”) Judge Allen connected Masha’s future domestic adopter, “Faith Allen” to “counseling” through Theotherapy.
Which brings us to the adopter herself, “Faith Allen”/”Lynn Ginn”/”Kimberly Murphy” (and potentially going by other names, she’s) is a story unto herself. She, like a number of other christian autobiographical re-creationist nomads of ’satanic panic’ fame (Eric Pryor as but one screwed up example comes to mind), has her own little bout of ‘personal testimony enhancement’. Despite later recantings of portions of her story, her claim to fame, prior to her getting being awarded Masha, had been running around claiming she was a so called ’satanic cult survivor’...
So were does this suit leave Masha? I have no idea. What are Faith Allen's motives and why is she even still in the picture. IMO, if she were serious, a suit like this would have been filed a long time ago. IMO, Allen is (besides her other "problems") psychologically dependent on Masha to affirm her own "identity" (whatever it may be --Satanic cult "survivor" and baby blood drinker on Monday, child saver on Wednesday, and child abuser on Saturday night.) Masha will turn 18 in a couple years and will, we hope, extricate herself from this band of pimps, scavengers, exploiters, crazies and adoptionphiles, get the genuine help she needs, and carve out a piece of life for herself. And if she can take down the likes of Jeannine Smith and her horde of child traffickers all the better. If Smith can't be sent to some dank women's prison, then bankruptcy court will have to do.
Those of us who have worked on Masha's case, or at least followed it closely, have been extremely concerned about her physical and psychological health and her virtual disappearance. Last we heard she was buried in the Pennsylvania foster care garbage heap and getting "therapy" from an off-brand uncertified "christian" therapist. A couple weeks ago her MySpace page disappeared. Now, with the complaint filed, we know that she is alive and that her absurd relationship with Faith Allen is still in place, though in what form, we don't know. The suit, however, gives us a mechanism to get information we could not access before. Robert Hunn appears to be a top-notch lawyer and we trust the best interests of Masha--not the scum that is sucking the life out of her--will prevail. More information may come out soon.
Masha, if you are reading this you are not forgotten.
Those of us who have worked on Masha's case, or at least followed it closely, have been extremely concerned about her physical and psychological health and her virtual disappearance. Last we heard she was buried in the Pennsylvania foster care garbage heap and getting "therapy" from an off-brand uncertified "christian" therapist. A couple weeks ago her MySpace page disappeared. Now, with the complaint filed, we know that she is alive and that her absurd relationship with Faith Allen is still in place, though in what form, we don't know. The suit, however, gives us a mechanism to get information we could not access before. Robert Hunn appears to be a top-notch lawyer and we trust the best interests of Masha--not the scum that is sucking the life out of her--will prevail. More information may come out soon.
Masha, if you are reading this you are not forgotten.
1 comment:
Holly Schlaack provides us a guide to the anguished world of manysmall children. She tells their narratives of life both before and after they enter foster care. Her firsthand, on the ground experience is capsulized in her list of "A Dozen Ways to Make a Difference," so that the reader will be not only involved by these stories but shown a map to help make life better for them. I recommend Invisible Kids for any professional or private citizen who worries about children. (www.InvisibleKidsTheBook.com)
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