Ivan/Nathaniel was adopted from Dom Rebyonka #9 in Troitsk, Chelyabinsk region. He was placed through Lutheran Social Services of the South, Austin, Texas. LSS lost its accreditation on May 20, 2005 and closed its Russian program. The adoption took place when LSS was accredited.
These changes are in the updated on Forever Family - Forever Dead.
On June 14, the Michael and Nanette Craver pled not guilty to all charges at their arraignment hearing. Defense attorney Gerald Lord says he has no idea when the case will go to trial. It may start as late as next year.

In May, the York County Senior deputy prosecutor Jennifer Russell, citing Vanya's age and the state's contention that his death constituted torture, said she would seek the death penalty.
The Russian government is watching the case closely.
Surprise, surprise! Another NCFA member agency.
Russia, Keep your babies with their Russian mothers. Do not send them to America. Adopting babies has become a business and it's largely unregulated. I am an adoptee from America and want you to reconsider how it feels and our trauma being abandoned. Orphans and babies do not handle trauma as well as people think and this fact has not been heard or considered by the adoption industry.
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